What is Aromatherapy? 

Aromatherapy uses the essential oils from flowers, herbs and plants to improve psychological and physical wellbeing. These oils are inhaled, used to massage the body or added to bath water. It is not as well-researched as many other complementary therapies but does appear to be effective in helping to relieve some symptoms. An experienced aromatherapist can prepare a blend for an individual, based on their needs. It is important that an aromatherapist takes a full medical history before treating someone with aromatherapy. 

Supporters claim that a range of conditions respond well to aromatherapy, including depression, digestive problems, headaches, insomnia and menstrual cramps. However, there is little scientific evidence to support these claims. It is important to use only high quality, pure oils, and to get advice from a qualified aromatherapist, nurse, doctor, physical therapist or massage therapist Urban Bliss Wellness Putrajaya before trying any oil for healing purposes. 

The practice of using essential oils to promote health and wellbeing goes back centuries. The earliest records of its use date back to ancient Egypt and China. Its modern form was developed in France by Rene-Maurice Gattefosse in the 1920s. Aromatherapy is a natural therapy that complements conventional medicine and should not be used to replace it. 

Different oils can have a variety of effects on the mind, body and spirit, depending on their scent and chemical composition. The oils are extracted from the flowers, leaves, bark, roots or other parts of a plant and are highly concentrated. They are typically colourless, with a distinctive smell and can be used in many ways. Oils can be inhaled through a diffuser, applied directly to the skin or, less commonly, taken by mouth (although this should only be done under the guidance of a trained specialist). 

When smelling an aromatherapy oil, the molecules are absorbed via the olfactory nerves in the nose and travel to the limbic system in the brain and impact the hypothalamus part of the brain. These oils are believed to stimulate the release of neuro chemicals that act as hormones, linking the nervous and endocrine systems. 

Aromatherapy is a safe and gentle way to treat many ailments. It can help reduce anxiety, aid sleep and relieve nausea. It is also used to reduce the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis and other chronic conditions, such as psoriasis, fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. It can also be used to boost mood and enhance relaxation, as well as promote spiritual awareness. 

When applying essential oils to the skin, it is recommended that a carrier oil is mixed in with it to dilute it and provide lubrication. The carrier oil is also thought to protect the skin from irritation caused by the oils. A massage spa Kuala Lumpur is a great way to use aromatherapy and can help with the circulation of blood and lymph, ease tired muscles and joints and promote relaxation. It is also used to remove toxins from the body, such as excess fluid and cellulite, prevent infection in cuts and burns and repel insects.